
Corrected entry: When Christine and Raoul take the floor to dance during "Masquerade" neither of them is holding any sort of mask (despite it being "Bal Masque"). However, a few shots later, Christine is seen dancing with a mask on a stick in her hand. She never uses it and it vanishes after the next couple of shots.

Correction: Her right hand is off screen the whole time until we see the mask; that's the hand she's holding it with.


Corrected entry: At the end of "Music of the Night", Christine faints. When the Phantom lifts her, the feet of her stockings are dirty, as can be expected from her walk. When the Phantom lays her down in bed, the stockings are clean and white again. When she wakes up, the stockings are gone altogether.

Correction: Her stockings aren't clean when he puts her to bed. It's the light that's so bright that it doesn't allow you to see the soles of her stockings, so bright and white do their top become. As for her having no stocking, there are two possible explanations: she woke up during the night and took them off, as they were uncomfortable, or the Phantom did it for her because he didn't want her to be uncomfortable in her sleep.


Corrected entry: When Raoul jumps into the Mirror Room, just before the lasso drops, you can see Madam Giry standing in the mirror. She seems to be waiting for her cue.

Correction: As soon as she saw Raoul jump, she knew where he would fall, so she went there right away. She only needed to wait until the Phantom wouldn't see and she could make her move safely before rescuing Raoul.


Corrected entry: Christine's Swedish father's name is seen spelled Gustav. Although pronounced with a V at the end, that name was in Sweden spelled with an F, Gustaf, until some time during the 20th century, when some people have begun to spell it with a V.

Correction: Actually, his name is spelled 'Gustave' (as can be seen on his picture frame, for example), which is the French spelling for the name. Until the XXth century, it was common to adapt foreign names for each language, so a Swedish violinist in France (where the picture was taken and where he and Christine were living) would have his named spelled the French way. It's like Josef Strauss becoming Joseph Strauss, or Guillaume le Conquérant becoming William the Conqueror.


23rd May 2005

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Corrected entry: Just before the love scene between Balian and Sybilla, Balian is writing. In those days, a blacksmith would certainly have been illiterate.

Correction: He spent months travelling with his father to the Holy Land. He definitely had time to learn on the way just as he learned how to swordfight.


Corrected entry: During Edmond's stay in prison his teeth have rotted. But after he becomes Count Monte Cristo they are pearly white.

Correction: He certainly had the money to have dentures made: those aren't a modern invention. See


11th Apr 2005

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

Corrected entry: When Kip gets on the bus with LaFawnduh, he carries their suitcases on board. Commercial buses stow luggage in compartments along the side of the bus.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: Commercial buses also have some overhead compartments where insecure travellers may store their luggage if they wish.


20th Mar 2005

Mulan (1998)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Mushu breaks the Great Stone Dragon, he hits the statue with his banger thing, breaks off an ear, then he hears the crumbling sound of rock cracking, next the camera shows us a wide shot of the statue crumbling, in that scene the statue crumbles from the bottom up when Mushu had obviously hit it from the top, so the top portion should crumble into hundred of pieces not the bottom.


Correction: If the bottom of the statue had a weakness and not the top, it's normal it should have crumbled this way, notwithstanding the place where it was hit. Besides, this is a cartoon, and that's often how things collapse.


10th Mar 2005

Sideways (2004)

Corrected entry: Before going into the restaurant to meet the girls, Miles is exclaiming how much he hates merlot, and that he will leave if they open a merlot. Well he also talks during the night about his "dream wine" he has saved up for a special occasion, a '61 Château Cheval Blanc from France. Well, that wine is is a merlot, mixed with some Cab Franc (another wine he supposedly hates.).


Correction: This is a Saint-Emilion; while it is based on both varieties, it is neither a pure Merlot nor a pure Cabernet franc. That's why Miles doesn't loathe it: the mix changes everything.


In the book, Merlot is the favorite wine of Victoria, Miles' ex-wife. So the reason Miles hates merlot has much more to do with his dislike of his divorce and what merlot now represents in his life. The 1961 Chateau Cheval Blanc was supposed to be saved for his 10 year anniversary with Victoria, so it makes sense that they might have picked it out together.

Corrected entry: As the two new owners arrive at the opera house you can see in the background Paris. The view is from the Opera Garnier towards the Seine river (the south). We see in the far background a hill with a monument on top which never existed on the south side of Paris, and we also see that the opera is itself on top of a hill (because of the sort of balcony with street lights). In real life, facing south of the Opera, everything is totally flat. It seems that they relocated the opera house towards Montmartre for the movie. Also, at the very very beginning you see a postcard like picture of the opera house, behind you also see bridges. From the point of view of the picture taken (facing north, slightly west) the Seine river can not be on the postcard (as mentioned the Seine is south of the Opera). (00:05:30)

Julien Lecomte

Correction: The movie doesn't take place at the Opéra Garnier, but at the fictional "Opéra populaire" (you can see its name at various times on the building, posters, etc.). It can be located anywhere the movie makers want it to be.


Correction: According to "The Phantom of the Opera Companion" book, the old lady indeed is Madame Giry: in spite of her being 15 years older than Raoul, she looks this way because she aged better thanks to her good health due to her being a dancer for so long. Raoul didn't have such good health, plus was ravaged by Christine's death two years before.


Corrected entry: Raoul left the Opera House not long after Christine did, and he knew where she was going. Despite the speed at which he was riding his horse, it takes him a very long time to get to the cemetery.

Correction: It's snowing, so the ground is frozen. He's on horseback. She's in a carriage. The carriage will have better adherance to the road than horseshoes would, so Raoul would have to go slower. If he didn't, then his horse could have slipped and he would have fallen down, thus slowing him down.


4th Feb 2005

Dead Like Me (2003)

Sunday Mornings - S1-E9

Corrected entry: Georgia tells Charlotte that Rube and Roxy are her "stepfather and his wife." But Rube could only be Georgia's stepfather if his wife were Georgia's mother, making Roxy and Rube Georgia's "mother and stepfather." Even if the relationship that Georgia described could possibly occur through a complicated series of remarriages and custody battles, it should have spurred a question from Charlotte, which it did not.


Correction: George spurted the first thing that came to her mind, and Charlotte just didn't catch it.


1st Feb 2005

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: When Cal is searching for Rose on the Carpathia, she covers up her face so that he doesn't see her. But when the ship gets to New York, she is standing on the bow without anything covering her face, so Cal should be able to spot her straight away.

Correction: She hides her face because he's close to her. When she is standing at the bow, he's not anywhere around, so she's not afraid he'll see her.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Ron & Harry notice the hallway to the girl's bathroom has been flooded, there is a depth of one inch or so of water in the hallway. When the boys step into the bathroom there is water on that floor as well, due to all the sinks overflowing with water and all the faucets turned on fully. But if you notice, there are drain grates surrounding the base of the washroom sinks extending a good 2 feet or more. There is no water coming out of these grates, indicating that the overflow hasn't reached capacity yet. If the grating is higher than the surrounding floor, and no water is exiting the grating, then it's impossible to flood the hallway. If the grating is lower than the flooded hallway, it's also impossible for the flooded section to not flow back to lower ground, namely the lower section of grating underneath the sinks.

Correction: The washroom hasn't been used in a long time because of the haunting. The drains are probably clogged, which means they would just fill up and no water would visibly come out of them.


16th Jan 2005

National Treasure (2004)

Corrected entry: When the treasure hunters have gone into the basement of the church they smash open a tomb and a bare skeleton comes flying out. Not even in an excessively dry area like Egypt could this happen, let alone a damp one like around New England, especially after a period of only 200 or so years. Even if the dead guy WAS in a stone tomb. I'd expect to see mummified remains.

Correction: To be naturally mummified, a corpse has to be kept in a very dry area. New England is a damp region, and the stone church would have exarcebated that dampness, thus accelerating the rotting of the soft tissue, leaving only a skeleton.


Corrected entry: When Harry and Ron are in Slytherin dungeon as Crabbe and Goyle, Ron says "Scar," and Harry responds with "Hair," but it is a split second before Ron's hair turns red.

Correction: The fact that it starts to change color more vigourously after Harry says that doesn't mean that he couldn't have seen the first signs of the hair colour change before he spoke.


6th Jan 2005

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: In the elevator his costume is an all in one, but in other parts of the film he puts the head bit on separately.

Ann Nicholas

Correction: It is not all in one. The mask just blends in with the rest of the costume.


Corrected entry: When the Baudelaire orphans meet Uncle Monty, he tells them that they are going to Peru the next day. The next day comes and Uncle Monty is dead. The police are investigating the scene and Stephano says that they were planning a trip to Peru tomorrow. So in the first place Uncle Monty should have said that they were planning to go to Peru in two days time.

Correction: Stephano is lying.


Corrected entry: When the orphans discuss with Uncle Monty the fact that the new "assistant" is an impostor, and really Count Olaf. Uncle Monty agrees, reeling off a lot of facts about snakes that the "assistant" got wrong. Uncle Monty concludes that the "assistant" is in fact a spy from the Herpotological society. A real spy from a society dealing with the study of snakes ought to know more about Snakes, not less? It makes no sense for Uncle Monty to come to this conclusion.

Correction: If the society hired a spy, chances are he is a professional and is not a member of the society, and thus doesn't know a thing about snakes.


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