Revealing mistake: In the first shot of the scene where Emma and the others arrive in Storybrooke in their cars, on the left side of the screen, you can see a sign behind a branch. It says "Steveston Museum and Visitor Centre." Steveston is the name of Canadian town which doubles as the town of Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time. (00:07:00)
Revealing mistake: After the scene with Emma and Henry at the playground, there is a wide shot of Storybrooke Main Street. As the camera pans down, in the upper right hand corner, you can see the clock tower, but without the top two stories (the top two layers of the clock tower, including the clock, are CGI). (00:06:15)
Selfless, Brave and True - S2-E18
Revealing mistake: As Tamara opens the envelope of cash in the bar in Hong Kong, the words "motion picture use only" are printed on the dollar bills. (00:18:30)
Going Home - S3-E11
Revealing mistake: In the convent, when the Shadow knocks Hook off his feet, sending him sprawling onto the ground, the one who actually falls down is Colin O'Donoghue's stunt double. (00:11:10)
Revealing mistake: In the very first shot of Emma and August on the motorcycle, you can see the faces of Jennifer Morrison's and Eion Bailey's stunt doubles. (00:20:25)

Revealing mistake: When Sheriff Graham pulls in front of Emma in a police car, the big sign on the storefront behind Emma says "Storybrooke Coffee Co." However, as Graham gets out of the car, you can see a circular sign on the side of the building, which says "Steveston Coffee Co"; Steveston is the Canadian town which doubles as the backdrop for the town of Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time. (00:05:30)
The Thing You Love Most - S1-E2
Revealing mistake: When Emma is reading the Storybrooke Daily Mirror in Granny's Diner, the article on the front page is just the same block of text repeated three times. (00:12:10)
Revealing mistake: In real life, the Storybrooke Cannery is known as the Gulf of Georgia Cannery, a real cannery in Steveston village, the town which doubles as the town of Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time. In most episodes where the cannery appears, the name on the building is replaced with the Once Upon a Time version. However, in this episode, when Emma is driving in her father's truck following shortly behind Cruella's car, there is a wide shot of Cruella's car turning right, and you can see the sign on the cannery, which has not been updated properly: Bizarrely, the first word of the real business name is still on the building, and the first three letters of the fictional name are missing, making the name on the building "Gulfrybrooke Cannery." (00:23:20)
Revealing mistake: When Regina is waiting outside the Storybrooke Library, there is a wide shot of Cruella's car making its way down the road. On the building on the right side, you can see a large vertical sign on the side of the building, which lists several local businesses. If you read the top of the sign, you can see that it says "Steveston Hotel." Steveston is the Canadian town which doubles as the town of Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time. (00:20:45)
Revealing mistake: When Emma opens the door of Any Given Sundae in the 2011 flashback, you can see the backdrop curtain used to insert the Storybrooke main street, thanks to its shadow in the middle of the road and a few folds reflecting the light.
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter - S1-E7
Revealing mistake: When Emma and Graham are chasing after the wolf into the graveyard, there is a shot where the wolf turns its head toward them, closes its mouth and perks up its ears, while growling. The wolf howls, before turning its head toward them again, and you can see that it is exactly the same shot that was used earlier, only this time, the wolf can be heard whimpering. (00:28:40)

The Thing You Love Most - S1-E2
Revealing mistake: When Emma walks Henry to school, as Emma says "Because I'm the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming?", a reflection of the clock tower building is visible in the window behind her, only there's no clock (the top two layers of the clock tower, including the clock, are visual effects). (00:13:40)
Revealing mistake: When Graham offers Emma the job as deputy sheriff, as he says, "Why don't you think about it", in the background, the name "Steveston" appears on the sign on a business next to Kisamos Greek Taverna. Steveston is the name of the Canadian town which doubles as the town of Storybrooke for exterior scenes. (00:05:50)
Revealing mistake: When Emma leaves the apartment to go looking for Ashley, she and Henry walk down the streets of Storybrooke, toward Emma's car. As Emma says, "Because I know", in the background, you can see a business called Steveston WineMakers. Steveston is the name of the Canadian town which doubles as the town of Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time. (00:14:35)
Revealing mistake: After Ariel stabs The Evil Queen in the neck with a fork, Ariel and Snow White jump into the ocean to swim away. In the underwater shot, you can see that the ones swimming through the water are not Ginnifer Goodwin and JoAnna Garcia Swisher, but their stunt doubles. (00:29:20)
Revealing mistake: When Killian Jones is dueling Rumplestiltskin and is pushed into some barrels, you can see that the one who actually falls down is not Colin O'Donoghue, but his stunt double. (00:18:20)
What Happened to Frederick - S1-E13
Revealing mistake: When Regina finds Henry with Emma at his playground In "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree", her license plate number is 40F5 TH. When the gym teacher finds Kathryn's car in this episode, his car has the same license plate, indicating that it is a reused prop. The same license plate appears on yet another car when August drives off with his motorcycle in "The Return", on Archie Hopper's car when he tries to cross the town line in "We Are Both", and on a parked car when Emma and the others arrive in Storybrooke in "Mother." (00:40:10)
Revealing mistake: When Belle hits Hook with a rowing paddle, as he falls into the hatch, you can see the face of Colin O'Donoghue's stunt double. (00:28:10)
Revealing mistake: When Snow White and Prince Charming hurriedly make their way through the woods in the beginning of the episode, in the shot where Snow White jumps over a log, you can see the face of Ginnifer Goodwin's and Josh Dallas' stunt doubles. Josh Dallas' stunt double can also be seen as Snow and Charming are running thought the woods in the previous shot.
Tallahassee - S2-E6
Revealing mistake: When Hook and Emma are climbing up the beanstalk, as Hook remarks, "First beanstalk?", you can see that Colin O'Donoghue is actually gripping the vine with his left hand, which is covered up by his sleeve; the hand that was cut off. (00:08:50)
Answer: He knows who she is because he knows that the fairy tales are true. He was also shown to sneak out to go see Emma or someone else. Sometimes he succeeded, sometimes he didn't. This is how he knew to look for her despite his strict mother.