A Sympathetic Crotch to Cry On - S2-E21
Factual error: Three times during the episode, when Jake is playing his DS, one of the characters plugs in the headphones. However, the cable is inserted into the socket for the charger on the top of the DS, instead of the headphone socket, which is located on the bottom.
Factual error: Walden's Skype rings as if it was Bridget who called him, but it is obviously the other way around.
Round One to the Hot Crazy Chick (1) - S1-E15
Factual error: When Frankie throws her pills out of the car, she reaches into the center console to open the window. The Jaguar Charlie is driving has its power windows in the door, a place she couldn't reach from her position.
Skunk, Dog Crap and Ketchup - S8-E13
Factual error: Despite Alan's general bad luck he indeed wouldn't have to be afraid of the skunks. In reality skunks use their anal scent glands very reluctantly and only if they feel threatened because they only carry a limited amount of liquid and have a rather long "recharging" time. To that effect a skunk that apparently feels home in a suburban surrounding would never feel threatened by a human.
Factual error: In Season 9/episode 21, Alan is staying at Lindsey's house when he goes to the basement to solve an electrical problem. He is electrocuted by a fuse box but fuse boxes were replaced by circuit breakers beginning in the 1950s. Lindsey's house as seen in a previous exterior shot is of modern vintage.
Last Chance to See Those Tattoos - S2-E11
Factual error: Jake is at the computer with the webcam program open but there is nothing on the taskbar as there should be. (00:19:55)
Dead from the Waist Down - S8-E11
Factual error: Alan and Lyndsey are playing scrabble. Alan is shown laying tiles down horizontally, and claims that he is using the "Z" on a triple letter score, and the "I" on a double word score, changing "it" to "ziti". This is impossible on a normal Scrabble board - those multiplier squares are all offset from each other except one row, and then they're five squares apart.
Answer: That would be "Corey's Been Dead For an Hour" in season 4, episode 9.
Super Grover ★