Quotes from Kelly Marie Tran movies and TV shows

Raya: What if someone saw you?
Sisu: Who, Captain Pop-and-Lock? What's he going to do, challenge me to a dance battle?

Sisu: Who's that?
Raya: That's Namaari, the back-stabbing binturi who broke the world.

Sisu: I'm going to be real with you, all right? I'm not like the best dragon, you know?
Raya: But you saved the world.
Sisu: I did do that. That's true. But have you ever done like a group project, but there's like that one kid who didn't pitch in as much, but still ended up with the same grade? Yeah, I wasn't the one who actually made the gem. I just turned it in.

Raya: My whole life, I trained to become a guardian of the Dragon Gem. But this world has changed, and its people are divided. Now to restore peace, I must find the Last Dragon. My name is Raya.

Raya: The world is broken, you can't trust anyone.
Sisu: Maybe it's broken, because you don't trust anyone, you just have to take the first step.

Raya: Note to self: Don't die.

Sisu: Also, you broke the gem.
Raya: But I still have a big chunk of it though.
Sisu: Is that supposed to make me feel better? If you lost a puppy, and I said, Well, we still have a big chunk of it. Would that make you feel better?

Namaari: You and the dragon gems are coming with me.
Raya: Hmm... my sword here says we're not.

Sisu: I was so focused on saving the world I forgot to have breakfast today.
Raya: To... day? When exactly do you think today is?
Sisu: Tuesday.

More Raya and the Last Dragon quotes

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