Quotes from James Caan movies and TV shows - page 2 of 3

Doctor Donovan: You know these wounds were made by buckshot don't you?
Cole: I thought they were.
Doctor Donovan: Who was using a shotgun?
Cole: A certain young man.
Mississippi: I was using a shotgun, Doc.
Doctor Donovan: You. I thought you was on there side.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: He was.
Mississippi: I told you I was no good with a gun.
Bull Harris: Trouble is, Doc, Cole was in front of the gun. The safe place is behind Mississippi when he shoots that thing.

Mississippi: Always make you mad, don't I?
Cole: Mostly.

Cole: Step down off that horse.
Mississippi: You always giving people orders?

More El Dorado quotes

Emily: We can't just throw him out in the snow.
Walter: Why not? He loves the snow. He's told me 15 times.

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More Honeymoon in Vegas quotes

Paul Sheldon: You know I never tasted meatloaf quite like this, what's your secret?
Annie Wilkes: My secret is, I always use fresh tomatoes, never canned. And to give it that extra zip, I mix a little Spam with the ground beef.
Paul Sheldon: Can't get this in a restaurant in New York.
Annie Wilkes: Oh, no.

Annie Wilkes: God came to me last night and told me your purpose for being here. I am going to help you write a new book.
Paul Sheldon: You think I can just whip one out?
Annie Wilkes: Oh, but I don't think Paul, I know.

More Misery quotes

Jonathan E.: Misplace some data?
Librarian: The whole of the thirteenth century.

Reporter: What about the rumors of no time limit for the championship?
Jonathan E.: I don't think it'll come to that... it's still a game.

Jonathan E.: If the rule changes stay the same, Mr. Bartholomew, I'm playing with my team.
Bartholomew: Too late. The rule changes are already scheduled and announced. There's no going back. You saw to that.
Jonathan E.: Then I'll see you in Tokyo.

Ella: You still don't understand why I came here?
Jonathan E.: You're the only person I ever wanted. I wanted you on my side, that's all.

More Rollerball quotes

Frank: Did it ever occur to you, to try to work for a living? Take down your own scores?
Unnamed Detective: OK, fuck this guy.
Urrizi: I'll tell you something, I'm gonna be on your ass so much, you're gonna get careless. And on that day I'm gonna be in that place.
Frank: And that, is the last place that you wanna be. 'Cause no matter what happens, I will never, ever take a pinch from a greasy motherfucker like you.

Frank: I am the last guy in the world that you wanna fuck with.

Frank: He down our merch? Is it gone? Does he carry the cash on him, what?
Barry: I'm talking to somebody's somebody. I will know in about 25 minutes.

Joe Gags: Look, uh, these people wanna meet you.
Frank: What?
Gags: They're stand-up guys.
Frank: If I wanna meet people, I'll go to a fuckin' country club.

Frank: I have run out of time. I have lost it all. So I can't work fast enough to catch up. I can't run fast enough to catch up. And the only thing that catches me up is doing my magic act.

Urrizi: Hey, car salesman. Urizzi. You remember my name now?
Frank: How can I not? Since the police department does not hire too many Puerto Ricans.
Urrizi: Hey asshole, I'm Italian.
Frank: I'm pleased to meet you ugly wop son of a bitch.
Urrizi: You motherfucker.

Frank: You're marking time is what you are. You're backing off. You're hiding out. You're waiting for a bus that you hope never comes because you don't wanna get on it anyway because you don't wanna go anywhere. Ok?

Frank: You are making big profits from my work, my risk, my sweat. But that is okay, because I elected to make that deal. But now, the deal is over. I want my end, and I am out.
Leo: Why don't you join a labor union?
Frank: I am wearing it.
Mitch: Frank, don't.
Attaglia: Do it slick.
Frank: My money in 24 hours, or you will wear your ass for a hat.

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