David Mercier

Question: We see the band in jail with the Blues Brothers at the end. Why did the band get arrested?

rabid anarchist

Chosen answer: Forgetting any "conspiracy to" offences that they would commit by just being around the brothers, don't forget they also pretended to be the Good Ol' Boys and drove away without paying, more than enough to send them down for a while.

David Mercier

Technically they could plead ignorance, only Jake and Elwood have committed crimes,.

Question: Did John Belushi do all the dancing, especially the turnovers in church, by himself or was it a double?

Answer: It was a double, and the "making of" documentary on the DVD shows this.

David Mercier

To be fair, John did do a lot of flips and dancing as Jake; just not all of them in the movie.

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