Jacob La Cour

Corrected entry: When Bond and Domino jump from the wall of Palmyra, the Arabs are shooting at them from above. Bond and Domino dive, and try to hide by swimming under water. But if seen from 20 meters above, they would be just as easy to see in the clear water, swimming just below the surface.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: They're not necessarily trying to hide, but trying to avoid getting shot. Once the bullets hit water, they slow down drastically, reducing the chances they would be injured or killed.


Corrected entry: When Bond and Largo are playing Domination - in the round about the US - Bond is in pain even before he has lost. But the shock only came when a player lost.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: No, the pain comes gradually as the game goes on. The reason Bond lost the first game was because he wasn't expecting the shock and instinctively let go when he felt it (which cost him the game); the second time he loses, it was because he got nuked, and Largo clearly explained that's an automatic loss for the player. If you recall in the fourth and final game, Largo is also in pain before he loses, so it's obvious that the player doesn't feel pain only when they lose.

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