
10th Apr 2004

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: Relating to the question about Apocalypse, what were his/her powers?

Answer: According to UncannyXmen.net, Apocalypse's powers are metahuman strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes, megamorphic power which allows him to assume any human form, grow to tremendous size, or reshape his body composition at will, the ability to discharge concussive plasma blasts, teleportation, and the ability to absorb outside sources of power to increase his own abilites.


26th Dec 2003

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: At the very end when we see Alkali Lake, we see a phoenix shape underwater, referencing Jean Grey's ascension into the form of the Phoenix. Is this symbolic or has this really happened to her?

Answer: This really happened to her. In the comics, the Phoenix Force that took over her body was an alien, which became so consumed with power that she became Dark Phoenix, and was killed; I don't know how they'll do this in the movie.


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