
Corrected entry: Considering the sports almanac contains 50 years of statistics in all major sports, it is very small and thin, about the size of a magazine. This would work if it only contained major sporting event results (super bowl, world series) but obviously it doesn't. It has results from horse races in small towns like Hill Valley listed and regular season college football scores. The font size of the printing in the book would literally have to be microscopic in order to contain all the info it does. Even college football alone, listing just Division 1 teams, would require several hundred pages.


Correction: Based on the information in the film, we actually know very little about the almanac itself. It could just be a local or regional publication, and therefore focus on a limited range of scores/results. Granted, the font would have to be quite small, but not unmanageable (especially if there were no graphics).


Corrected entry: When the DeLorean crashes into the dustbin we get a shot of Marty going to see Dr. Brown get out. The DeLorean seems to have moved a bit backwards down the drive when Dr.Brown gets out.

Correction: The DeLorean had a standard transmission (we see Marty hit the clutch several times in Part 1), so it's likely that the hover-converted model did too, and as such, rolled down the inclined driveway before Doc had a chance to get out.


Corrected entry: The money ratio in 2015 seems incorrect. When Doc sends Marty into Cafe 80's he hands him a $50 for a Pepsi. In another scene when Marty is walking outside, Old Terry asks Marty for $100 to save the clock tower. Usually a soft drink would cost more than what a man waving a can would ask for. Then when old Biff gets out of the taxi, his total comes to $174.50. According to the price of a Pepsi, doesn't this taxi ride seem cheap?

Correction: Two things: the Pepsi/donation ratio isn't that odd; if you paid a dollar for a Pepsi, giving a couple of bucks to help a local landmark is pretty normal. The taxi fare only seems 'incorrect' compared to what we're used to now. Cab rides are expensive due to wages, gas prices, vehicle upkeep, and other expenses; perhaps they've found a way to keep those costs down.


Corrected entry: In this film, when Doc sees his younger self, he says there will be "plenty of rain all right". However, there isn't - but he should know that, as he has already done the clock tower in Back to the Future 1.

Correction: There is plenty of rain. The rain part of a storm is smaller and slower than the overall low-pressure parts (like thunder and lightning); it starts closer to the high school (as seen Pt. 2), moves towards the courthouse, and eventually hits Doc's house (as seen in Pt. 3)


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