Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Ajax first arrives on Troy's shores an arrow penetrates his right thigh. The darker skinned latex material surrounding his thigh is perfectly distinguishable from his own light skin in the wide shots. Then after he breaks off part of the arrow, the rest which remains in his thigh disappears in consecutive shots. (00:42:35)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: In Achilles' tent, while Achilles tells Briseis that she is his guest and not his captive, the distinctive tan lines of the actress' bikini top are clearly visible as Achilles holds her. (01:37:15)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: Throughout the entire film, when soldiers are stabbing others it is blatantly obvious in numerous shots that the swords' blades or spear tips don't come anywhere near the armor or skin of the stabbing victim, and the 'victim' usually has either a delayed reaction to their wounds, or react before the weapons ever 'touch' them. (02:20:50)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: When the Greeks begin their rampage within the walls of Troy, a Trojan is flipped over a roof and lands on a thatched roof under him. The top thatch differs between the first close-up and second wide shot. (02:21:10)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: After Paris is given the sword of Troy, it cuts to Hector speaking to Andromache. In this wide shot the cloth draped small bed between the two large columns is turned at a slant. Yet when Hector leaves their room (before encountering Helen), the bed is now parallel to the short wall (which faces the sea). (01:00:20 - 01:01:30)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: The long distinctive scar on Glaucus' left cheek drastically changes severity, shape, length, etc., in all of his close-ups. (00:57:20 - 01:54:45)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: In Thessaly, as the two armies face each other, the large branches all over the center battle ground change or disappear entirely, depending on the angle of the shot (note the cliffs on one side and the trees on the other side). (00:02:40)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The wound that Achilles gives Boagrius changes position from when he receives it in the close-up, where it is lower on his shoulder, to the close-up and back shots just before he falls, where it is closer to his neck. (00:08:15)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The scars and scratches on Boagrius' face and body change significantly and some scratches disappear, between his first few close-ups and then when Achilles moves toward him. For instance, the scars on his chest are less severe in the close-ups when Achilles heads toward him. (00:06:45 - 00:07:45)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When the body of Achilles lies on the pyre in the close-up, although the fake body has a similar appearance to the real Achilles, some things are different, such as the body does not have the distinctive circular scar on the left upper arm as Achilles did. (02:31:40)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Paris pulls the first arrow from his quiver and releases it into Achilles' heel, the shaft's wood color is very light (whitish). However, in the close-up of the arrow in his heel, the arrow shaft is dark wood (brownish), then in all of the following shots (including when he dies) the wood is very light again. (02:28:15)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: After Menelaus is killed, when Ajax kills some Trojans and Hector notices him, the pattern of the blood on the front and back of Ajax's shield changes in consecutive shots, such as being clean in an area where it was bloody in a previous shot. (01:19:10)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Paris says goodbye to Helen, Odysseus leads the Greek soldiers up the stairs. As Odysseus reaches the second set of stairs, he swings his sword at a Trojan in the close-up, to his left a soldier swings a bulb shaped weapon on a Trojan's head and blood flies out, but before he makes that swing the large 'blood sac' attached to the weapon is actually visible. (02:24:50)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When Hector and Paris return to Troy with Helen, in the first shot they pass through the gate and head down the long path through the city. Then later, when the soldiers head for the armory and when Hector walks through the gate for the face off with Achilles, the path is substantially different. The statue and actual buildings' positions, the curve of the road, etc., are completely different. (This has nothing to do with camera angle.) (00:27:40 - 01:57:00)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Helen sutures Paris' leg wound, as he lies on the bed, the collar on his shirt fits round his neck properly, yet in the next close-up it hangs down off his shoulder, though he does not move. (01:24:35)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: Odysseus normally has wavy/curly hair that reaches the base of his neck, yet just before Hector cuts Patroclus' throat, when Odysseus' helmet slips forward as he fights and the white cap is visible, his hair is very short and straight in back. It's also apparent earlier, when he visits Achilles in Phtia. (00:22:05 - 01:42:25)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: After the Greeks climb out of the 'Trojan' horse, some run to the front gate. There is a long rope hanging on the left side of the gate, the base of the left stone pillar that holds the flame is aligned with the edge of the huge gate's door frame and the pillar stands perfectly upright. However, as the camera pans to the left, when the soldiers start to run up the stairs on the left, the rope is gone, the actual tall stone pillar with flame is moved at least two feet and it now stands very crookedly. (This has nothing to do with camera angles.) (02:19:20)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Continuity mistake: Throughout the film, when Achilles wears the hair ribbon, or not, his hair position, its twist and/or ribbon position changes significantly in consecutive shots. (00:43:50)

Super Grover

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