
6th May 2019

The Karate Kid (1984)

Answer: Rolling a joint.


29th May 2013

The Karate Kid (1984)

Question: Bobby doesn't take part in the fight after the Halloween dance and even tries to get the gang to stop beating up Daniel, so why does he attack Miyagi after he saves him from Johnny's kick?

Answer: Because this is no longer simply beating up someone who is at their mercy, this is some strange guy coming in and taking his friends apart.


I always thought Bobby was the bad/ good guy, because he didn't like to hurt Daniel or make trouble, he even felt bad for that kick to the side, that almost knocked Daniel out of the tournament, he was forced into doing it from Kreese and even apologized to Daniel, I think he just went along with the rest of the guys, to fit in with the gang.

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