
1st Apr 2007

Paycheck (2003)

Corrected entry: When Affleck discovers that the thing he built is a time viewing machine, there is a long monologue where he explains that seeing into the future is wrong, could be catastrophic, etc. and concludes that he must destroy the machine. Practically a few seconds later when he arrives at the machine to destroy it, he says, "Let's see what our futures hold" and uses the device. If he just came to the explicit decision that future-vision is wrong, to the point of setting out to destroy the machine at the risk of his life, why in the world would he himself choose to view the future? There's no suggestion of "temptation" or anything, he just walks up to it and stupidly contradicts everything he just said.

Correction: In order to properly destroy the machine, he has to figure out what is going to happen in the immediate future.


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