
11th Jan 2007

Twister (1996)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Hunt and Paxton's crew drive onto a smaller side road surrounded by cornfields, Rabbit says he can't figure out what road they're on, and depreciatingly calls it "Bob's Road" as he scours his maps. However, in the forward shots, you can see they're actually driving on a paved road, complete with black-and-white highway signs.

Correction: That doesn't mean that he can find the name of the road on the map. There are plenty of roads around me that are paved with signs, but good luck finding a name on a map.


24th Jul 2005

Twister (1996)

Corrected entry: In the beginning when Jo and her parents are in the storm cellar, Jo's dad is trying to hold the door shut for dear life. Finally he gets sucked away by the tornado, leaving Jo and her mom sad and alone in the cellar, but completely unharmed nonetheless. Why was it such a priority to hold the door shut if nothing gets sucked out of there, and nothing is harmed in any way, when the door is gone?

Correction: Jo and her mom were fine because the tornado passed over them. Her father managed to hold the doors closed just long enough to spare them, but he still got sucked out.


It's unlikely that the door stayed shut as long as it did because he held it. Really, he should not have even attempted to hold the door, he could have just as easily stayed safe had he simply remained huddled with with his family in a corner away from the door.

Jay Runkle

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