
Corrected entry: Bond and Wai Lin should have had one hell of a bend or an embolism when they popped up out of the water after diving on the Devonshire. Not only did they unnecessarily ditch their diving gear (they could have just pushed the tanks in front of them to get up that pipe) but they had an uncontrolled ascent from well over 30 metres depth. Yet they show no signs of any decompression illnesses and carry on as normal when they reach the surface. Impossible.

Correction: If they have not been under for very long, then they might not get decompression sickness (the "bends"). And it is possible to exhale the entire way up to avoid a pneumothorax or emboli.


Corrected entry: Right at the end of the film M is told that "Carver went down with the ship" and that Bond got out alive, M dictates a short statement to Moneypenny. After this, in the next scene, the British fleet is looking for Bond and Wei Lin.

Correction: Not nessarily a mistake. They know he is alive, they just don't know where he is. And as he doesn't answer when they call him, it is obviously a common thing for Bond to disappear.


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