Tobin OReilly

15th Jul 2004

Friends (1994)

Show generally

Question: I know that some shows/films changed their cityscape shots between scenes after September the 11th but did Friends? I noticed in an old episode from series 6 the Trade Center Towers are still standing. I thought they might have changed it for the later episodes, but are there any plans to go back and edit episodes featuring shots of the Twin Towers?

Answer: No I don't think so. Earlier episodes show the Trade Center Towers in some of their shots but after 9/11 Friends started using new cityscape shots, which makes sense.

Tobin OReilly

18th Apr 2004

Friends (1994)

Answer: Much like a lot of things in sitcoms there are certain aspects that get fazed out temporarily or completely because they don't fit the story line. However, in 'The Last One', Joey mentions that the chick and the duck went to live in a special farm when they grew old; meaning that they died of old age. In the same episode Rachel confirms this when she asks "Didn't they die?"

Tobin OReilly

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