
14th Jun 2016

Super 8 (2011)

Corrected entry: In the town meeting, the store owner talks about having so many microwave ovens stolen. Although microwave ovens were commercially available in 1979, they were not common at all. Even by the mid 1980s, only about 25 percent of American households had microwaves. So it's very unlikely that a small town hardware store would carry these - there just wouldn't be a market for it in 1979.

Correction: How does a retailer develop a market? Often he or she will need to create the demand for a product. In other words, you can't sell a product you don't have in stock. In 1976, microwaves were selling for as little as $196, while dishwashers were over $280, and a 25" color TV was around $600. VHS cassette machines were going for around $700 in 1979. Lillian, OH is a fictitious town, but was filmed in a WV town. That town had a population of 25000 in 1979, making it a small city, not a small town, and microwaves wouldn't be uncommon for sale in a city that size.


27th Jul 2011

Super 8 (2011)

Corrected entry: Joe has a Space Shuttle poster on his bedroom wall, but the Space Shuttle program started in 1981, 2 years AFTER the film is supposed to have taken place.

Correction: The first flight of the shuttle was in 1981, but the space shuttle program began in the late 1960's, the program was officially announced in 1972. The first shuttle, the Enterprise, was rolled out in 1976. A poster of the event was available.


19th Jun 2011

Super 8 (2011)

Corrected entry: During a scene in Joel's room they show a model of the Space Shuttle and the external fuel tank is red/orange. This change did not occur until the 80's as a cost saving measure. Shuttle models before this had a white tank.

Correction: It's a model. He can paint it any colour he wants. I used to do that all the time when I was a kid making models. I'd paint the car/boat/plane/motorcycle whatever colour I had enough leftover paint for.


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