
7th Apr 2020

The Two Popes (2019)

Factual error: The narration of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio's controversial tenure during the Peronist regime concludes with Pope Benedict saying "You were cast out of office[...], sent abroad." The date shown is "1983." Correct, but then it goes on, saying "You were sent to the mountains" and shows Bergoglio in Cordoba, Argentina, which happened much later, circa 1990 - and a 1990 book is the first one he's shown reading, "La nueva evangelización; perspectiva de los oprimidos". And yet, at the end of the prolonged scene, featuring also a 1983 book in "Plueberina", the calendar shows the time passing, starting from 1983. We're already in 1990. (01:24:00 - 01:27:50)


17th Jan 2020

The Two Popes (2019)

Factual error: Pope Benedict had to leave the moment the helicopter landed, and Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio starts exploring Rome on his own. In the second shot, when he is on the sidewalk opposite a fruit stand, the ad on the billboard he passes by carrying his bags is the ad for a car ("T-Roc; Born Confident") which debuted in the summer of 2017, 5 years after the events of the movie (set in 2012). (00:56:50)


31st Dec 2019

The Two Popes (2019)

Factual error: Pope Benedict and Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio are hanging out in the room by the Sistine Chapel having a pizza and a drink together. The drink of choice is Fanta, apparently Joseph Ratzinger's favourite beverage. The scene is supposed to happen in 2012, but the label of the bottle is a more modern one, introduced in 2016. (01:34:20)


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