
Correction: The timeline error lies with "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and not this film. I previously submitted a correction for the aforementioned film's 8-year jump and how it could fit in the timeline, given what we had been told about the timeline of events leading up to the first "Avengers" film, but after watching every MCU film leading up to "Infinity War," they do indeed make references to the first "Avengers" film taking place in 2012, so I had to retract the correction. Tony saying that it had been 6 years is correct. Co-director Joe Russo has even stated that the "8 years later" thing is incorrect.


Corrected entry: Thanos already had the Infinity Gauntlet in the post-credits scene of "Avengers: Age of Ultron," which is set several years prior to this movie. Yet this film implies that the dwarfs had just recently made him the gauntlet before he almost entirely wiped them out.


Correction: Just because "Avengers: Age of Ultron" took place a few years prior to this movie, it doesn't mean that the post-credits scene of Thanos putting on the gauntlet doesn't take place just before the start of this movie.


Correction: The film does not specify when Thanos attacked the forgery. Only that Asgard did not come to their aid. Asgard had been neglecting its duty to the other realms for the last couple of years (ever since Thor left to search for Infinity Stones and Loki took over) just after Age of Ultron.

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