
8th Apr 2024

Magnum Force (1973)

Revealing mistake: During the shootout on the Jet, the second hijacker hides behind a wall and Harry shoots through the wall, killing him. When the bullets supposedly go through the wall, one of them puffs out black powder and marks the wall, showing it's really an explosive charge going off and not a bullet.


1st May 2019

Logan's Run (1976)

Revealing mistake: When the dome city starts to blow up, people are running around in a panic. One man in a red outfit jumps off a balcony to the next floor and you can see a modern (1970s) lit exit sign over a doorway behind him. Many of the interior shots for the dome city were filmed in a large shopping mall; that sign must have been missed when they were trying to make it look like the year 2274.


14th Jul 2017

Catch-22 (1970)

Revealing mistake: During the Flak attack on the B25s Arfy notices Orr's plane going down. The scene cuts to a smoking plane going down at a steep angle, but you can see the plane was flying straight and the film turned at an angle as the colors on the horizon are also at a steep angle.


31st Jan 2017

Castle Keep (1969)

Revealing mistake: Captain Beckman is in the tower shooting at a small German plane that is attacking the castle. He is told to aim for the engine but when he does and shoots it down its not the engine that smokes, its both the wheels that are smoking from some very obvious smoke tubes attached to the fixed landing gear.


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