
21st Dec 2008

General questions

I think the film I'm thinking of is pretty well known, but I only actually know one scene from it. There are men in a desert (I think) and they all stand up claiming to be someone - saying "I am!", and "No, I am!", but I just can't remember the name they say. I think the name is also the name of the film. Hopefully someone can figure out the name of this film from this information.

Answer: The film is called "Spartacus", and yes there is a scene where everyone is saying "I'm Spartacus". This scene has been spoofed many times in other films, such as "Life of Brian".


8th Jan 2008

General questions

This film is about ants. It was made around the mid 80's/very early 90's. In one scene, there is construction going on around a few houses. One of the men thinks he knows where the ants are coming from. He gets a diggers and starts digging into the ground. As soon as he is into the ground, the ants start coming out from the ground. Towards the end of the film two of the men get trapped in a room by the ants; they roll up paper to use as an oxygen pipe and are told not to move. What is the name of this film?

gillian ahern

Chosen answer: You're thinking of the 1977 made-for-TV movie called 'It Happened at Lakewood Manor'. The film also goes by the titles 'Ants' and 'Panic at Lakewood Manor'.


18th Mar 2007

General questions

Do you know the name of an old German film that has "007" in the title? Not sure what year but it was one of my mum's favourites as a child and she was born in 1952.

Answer: It might be the 1966 movie 'Eispraktor 007'.


7th Jan 2008

General questions

This film in set in a house. It was made during the late 70's early 80's. Throughout scenes, there is green liquid coming down the chimney and into the room. The family feels the high temperture of the house and when they try to get out, they discover that there are walls around the house. In the last few scenes of the film, it shows that it is a doll's house. What is the name of this film?

gillian ahern

Chosen answer: It is an episode of the 1984 TV show 'Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense'. The episode is called 'Child's Play' and is the 12th episode of the show's first season.


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