Captain Defenestrator

Question: What is the plot of this movie exactly? Sorry, but once they discussed Immobliare, I was confused as to what the movie was about.

Answer: Michael is trying to divest the family of all ties to organized crime. Internazionale Immobiliare is an international real estate concern and owning it would legitimize the family, making them respectable landowners. Michael is attempting to buy out the Vatican's 25% of the shares in it to gain controlling interest, but the other families either want in on the deal or want to steal it out from under him, forcing him back into his old criminal ways.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: In the kitchen scene just before Michael has his diabetic stroke, his sister moves to sit down at a table with a refrigerator behind her. There appears to be a water and/or ice dispenser in the door of the fridge. Were these made at the time?

Answer: Frigidaire introduced the feature in 1965. They would have been commonplace by the late 70s. A wealthy family like the Corleones would certainly have one.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Near the end of the film, why did Vincent arrange to murder Archbishop Gilday?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: He'd been stealing from the Family.

Captain Defenestrator

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