
27th Apr 2003

The Karate Kid (1984)

Corrected entry: When Johnny and his team enter the locker room, Johnny has short hair. But later during the tournament, his hair is long again.

Correction: The guy with the short hair isn't Johnny, he's another of the Cobra Kais and this is evident when you see him knocked out of the tournament later.

Correction: That is Dutch you're referring to.


14th Sep 2005

The Karate Kid (1984)

Corrected entry: When Daniel is painting the fence, Mr. Miyagi walks out to go fishing, and Daniel has his right arm/hand on his hip, yet in the following shot from a distance it is no longer on his hip, but at his side. (01:09:50)


Correction: Need more clarification for this entry. When Daniel paints the fence, Mr. Miyagi does not go fishing, but works on his garden, as we see him doing when Daniel thinks he is done and Mr. Miyagi asks if he painted both sides. Mr. Miyagi had already left for fishing when Daniel came by to paint the house.

He's referring to the scene at the end of painting the fence, when Miyagi comes out to tell Daniel what time to be there in the morning, he is already wearing the fishing outfit. That's why Daniel looks at him the way he does.


26th Sep 2008

The Karate Kid (1984)

Corrected entry: When Daniel and Mr. Miyagi are on their way to the part of the arena where Daniel will have his 1st match, you see a group of Kobra Kai's, led by Johnny and his boys, running by them and shoving Daniel. However, as soon as Daniel gets to his circle, you can see Johnny and his boys already there and looking on.


Correction: All this is done to intimidate Daniel. They jog by and shove him, then jog to his first match. Since he doesn't even know where it is initially they have plenty of time to beat him there.

Incorrect because just a few feet away you can see his opponent kneeling down waiting for him. When Daniel gets there, the bullies who shoved them were already there.


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