
26th Jul 2018

MythBusters (2003)

Pingpong Rescue - S2-E9

Question: Tory, and the other guys working with him pop most of the balloons, and release only a few. Why not release the entire bunch of balloons they made?

Answer: Because releasing helium balloons is dangerous to wildlife who eat the balloons once they have landed and deflated or popped. Releasing all those balloons would be a major risk.


I thought it was because a plane might run into them.

20th Nov 2017

MythBusters (2003)

James Bond Special: Part 1 - S6-E1

Question: Couldn't Adam, and Jamie have made ten magnets with the same diameter, but much longer than the other ten circular magnets they used? Those type of magnets would be able to contain a lot more energy, and generate more pull than the circular ones they used.

Answer: Maybe so, However as is shown on the show, they often mess up or make silly errors.


So, why don't they try to make stronger magnets?

Sometimes budget or recording schedule doesn't allow.


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