
Question: On the Interceptor, when Jack swings back from the Black Pearl, he asks Elizabeth where the medallion is, and in reply she tries to slap him, saying 'Wretch!' Why? What has he ever done to her? Okay, Jack used her to escape from Norrington and his men, but he saved her life before that, so it's only fair.


Answer: She calls him a wretch because after his escape all he asks about is the medallion, which she overheard the pirates talking about. It is fairly logical to presume she thought he was trying to use the medallion to his advantage. Which is right.

Chosen answer: She says "fetch" not "wretch" and pretends to throw the coin, not slap him. He catches her hand, sees no coin and then asks where William is, because Will is the one that should be in possession of the coin since it was originally his can remove the curse.

No. If you turn on the subtitles, she says "wretch." It may have sounded like "fetch" due to her British accent.

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