
Chosen answer: In the appendix of the RotK it does briefly talk about Legolas' leaving. It is said he waited until Aragorn died then built himself a boat and him and Gimli left Middle Earth and were the last of the fellowship to leave.


Question: At the end, where is it that Frodo, Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, Galadriel and Celeborn are sailing to, and why are they all going there?

Answer: They are sailing to the Undying Lands. Elrond, Galadriel, and Celborn are leaving because the time of the elves has enden and for them to stay in Middle Earth would be pointless. Bilbo leaves because he was offered and accepted Arwen's place. Frodo because there is nothing left for him in Middle Earth and I believe that Gandalf leaves because he has fully filled his promise to help Frodo destroy the ring. An additional part of Frodo's reason for leaving Middle Earth is because his wound (from the Nazgul) will no longer pain him in Valinor, the Undying Lands. Bilbo and Frodo also earned the privilege as Ringbearers. In fact, Tolkien says that because he bore the Ring for even a short while, Sam Gamgee also was later permitted to journey to the West.


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