Other mistake: When selecting Long Gears, it says that to upgrade to Pro, you must, "DrIve 10,000yds In Oncoming wIth Long Gears equIpped" Every "I" is capitalized, when they should be lower case.
Other mistake: Upon getting the Terminal Velocity Pack, you are able to get a Ram Chassis from a certain race with any car. To get it to Pro, you have to get 25 Oncoming Near Misses, but the game's text says, "Get 25 OncomIng Near MIsses with Ram Chassis equipped" The "I's" in "coming" and "misses" are wrongly capitalized.
Chosen answer: It's available only as downloadable content by buying the "Movie Legends Pack". It's the 1977 Firebird from Smokey and the Bandit film.