
Chosen answer: Because of the reoccurring use of the song "Aquarela do Brasil" by Ary Barroso. The song's common English title is "Brazil". And at the end, when Sam is sitting in the chair, he starts to sing "Brazil".


Question: What is the relevence of the time 8:49pm that appears at the start of the film?

Answer: I don't think the time is particularly relevant, except that its exactness is in stark contrast to the temporal and locational vagueness of the next statement which is "...Somewhere in the 20th century".


Continuity mistake: When Sam first enters Jack Lint's office, Jack is at the sink massaging his scalp. There is blood in the water in the sink. After Sam says "Excuse me!" a couple of times, Jack turns around, revealing that the front of his white jacket is clean. The camera cuts to Sam, who exclaims: "Jack!", whereupon there is a cut back to Jack. The front of his jacket is now torn and bloody.

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Trivia: The "smoking man" at the Shangri-La tower who bumps into Sam is the film's director, Terry Gilliam.

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