Last Action Hero

Trivia: When Danny is being shown Jack Slater IV,it states that its a Franco Columbo film. Franco Columbo is one of Arnold's friends from his bodybuilding days, back in the 70s/80s.

Trivia: When Jack and Danny go inside the police station the first time, Danny notices Robert Patrick coming out of the station. This is a nod to Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

Trivia: This film was released exactly one week after the massively popular and successful Jurassic Park, which likely played a big part in the film bombing.

Trivia: Danny Madigan is watching a Road Runner cartoon at his apartment. There are several subsequent references to "Acme" throughout the movie afterwards, to say nothing about the fact that there is a cartoon cat as a cop. (00:11:25 - 00:31:25)

Visible crew/equipment: When Charles Dance shoots his boss in the swimming pool, he starts talking to the camera about moving into the real world like Danny. Look at the glass mirror and windows behind him - you can see the film crew and cameras following him.

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Question: All of the actors in this film are actually credited as either themselves, or their character in the Jack Slater films (eg. the reporters recognise Tom Noonan as himself at the film premiere). However, the actress playing Whitney is actually called Bridgette Wilson, not Meredeth as Danny points out. Why was this?

Answer: Most likely, she was not a well-known enough actress to have name recognition like Arnold.

Brian Katcher

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