The Blue Lagoon

Question: At the end of the movie, when the ship finds Richard, Emmeline, and baby Paddy in the lifeboat, Richard's father asks if they are dead. A crewman tells him that they are only asleep. Are they really dead and the crewman was trying to spare his feelings by lying to him, or are they really only sleeping?

Answer: The ending is meant to be ambiguous, and is identical to the ending of the original novel on which the film is based. It is never answered whether they are alive or not.


Answer: At the end of the movie, it says they are only asleep. But in the second film (The Blue Lagoon: The Awakening), they say that they are dead. However, the child is not, because he didn't actually eat any of the dead and buried berries. Then they named the baby Richard because that was the first word baby Paddy could say. He probably said it a lot, so they thought that was his name.

Revealing mistake: When Paddy lays dead on the beach holding a barrel, the kids turn him over and a crab crawls out of his mouth. You then can briefly see his nose move like a rabbit sniffling. Also his pupils are narrow, and a the side of his neck has a pulse. In other words, he is very much alive. (00:24:30)

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Trivia: Brooke Shields had to stand in a ditch in some parts of the movie because she was much taller than her co-star.

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