The Untouchables

After Nitti shoots down Malone in his own home, Ness and Stone follow Malone's last words and pursue Capone's bookkeeper to Union Station. Following a bloody shootout, the bookkeeper surrenders to Ness, giving them enough information to put Capone on trial for income tax evasion. Ness confronts Nitti in the middle of the trial; after a rooftop chase, Nitti brashly admits that he killed Malone and Ness pushes Nitti off the roof to his death. A list in Nitti's possession reveals that Capone (Robert De Niro) had the jury bribed, so Ness intimidates the judge into switching juries. When Capone's lawyers realize that the new jury hasn't been bribed, they change Capone's plea to "guilty"; Capone goes to jail. Ness closes up his office and returns to his family.


Continuity mistake: When Eliot Ness is at Jim Malone's house for the first time, Malone's collar is opened, then buttoned, then open again.

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Jimmy Malone: He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way!

More quotes from The Untouchables

Trivia: As the stroller is going down the stairs in the train station it is a reference to the staircase scene in "Battleship Potemkin" in which a stroller similarly falls down a flight of steps while the horrified mother looks on.

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Question: What is the name of the song that the clown is singing when Sean Connery has just been shot?

Answer: 'Vesti La Giubba', an aria from the opera 'I Pagliacci'.


More questions & answers from The Untouchables

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