Under Siege

Plot hole: Why was an F-18 even sent to look for the helicopter anyway? Krill was the only one on the ship at the time that knew who was really on the chopper, the crew only knew about Jordan Tate, and the captain believes it's supposed to be a surprise for him so he's not calling anyone, so who sent the F-18?

Plot hole: An American battleship with an active supply of nuclear warheads on its missiles would in no way allow a helicopter full of strangers to land and deploy without those men being screened for any weapons by the security guards on the ship (even if Krill already knows).


Plot hole: There appear to be way more terrorists that take over the ship over the course of the entire film (if including all the different scenes) than what appears to have been able to fit on the helicopter (although Jordan mentioned it was full, the helicopter didn't look that big to hold everyone we see).

Plot hole: When Ryback calls in to Admiral Bates and his people the first time he gives the size of the terrorist force at about 30. Now Ryback may be a badass SEAL but he is definitely not the best with numbers. 30 people including Krill would not be enough at all to run the operations of the ship including running the bridge, cutting the pieces necessary for the crane, running the engine room, not to mention all the people patrolling the ship that are looking for him after he has already taken out at least 5 of their men. So if they're getting this plan done, they're doing it with a hell of a lot more than 30 people.

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Suggested correction: Ryback is only going off what Jordan said about the helicopter being full. A CH-46 can only hold around 22 people including the crew. So his estimates were actually high. This is more of a plot hole for the movie since there is obviously more than that killed throughout the movie.

Continuity mistake: When the man tries to attack the terrorist while being moved to their "prison", Strannix shoots the man next to the one who attacks, saying something like "If you try anything we will shoot you and the man beside you". In this scene he is wearing a black sweater. In the scene before and after he is wearing the pink T-shirt and leather jacket.

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Trivia: Early on in the film an officer shows a copy of Playboy magazine to a crewman. Erika Eleniak was the centerfold in that issue of Playboy.

John Elwen

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Question: Does anyone how many times they had to retake the scene where Gary Busey asks Tommy Lee Jones if he looks like he needed a psychiatrist? Tommy Lee looks so serious when he says "not at all." I just can't see him doing that part and still keeping a straight face. Are there any outtakes or bloopers from the film?


Answer: Also, the more times the scene is practiced or additional takes, the less funny it is to the actors. So, it would be easy by the time of filming for Strannix to not laugh. Just like if you have seen a classic comedy TV show, the audience is always laughing because it's generally their first time seeing the scene when filmed. But you as a viewer, seeing the show a hundred times over the years, do not laugh because you have seen it so many times. That, to YOU, it's not funny anymore. Same rules apply here for the actors while filming.

Answer: Think the fact that Strannix looks at Krill with a straight face actually added humor to the scene.

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