Artemis Fowl

Factual error: After the time freeze scene at the Italian wedding, one of the bridesmaids says to another guest, "Questo matrimonio รจ strano," which is translated in the closed captions as "This is a strange wedding." The English equivalent of "matrimonio" is "marriage"; "wedding" is "festa di nozze" or "nozze." The phrase that an Italian would use is "Ma che strana festa di nozze." (00:35:31)

Factual error: Real-life Martina Franca is a town in Puglia, at the "heel of the Italian boot." The town shown in the film is the famous San Gimignano in Tuscany. And when Holly "defects" in order to go to the Hill of Tara, her departure point, as seen on Foaly's observation monitor, is the real-life location of San Gimignano. (00:35:50)

Other mistake: The time freeze dome extends well beyond the little Italian square and covers the surrounding buildings as well. Everybody and everything is paralyzed/suspended, but a gramophone in a window looking directly at the square continues to play. (00:34:03)

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Butler: Scared, Artemis?
Artemis Fowl I: I prefer scared to dead.

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