War for the Planet of the Apes

Continuity mistake: When the bald soldier gets into the cage of the apes, the amount of mud on his face changes between shots.


Audio problem: When Caesar and his companions come over to the lone soldier by the huts, carrying firewood, he puts the wood down and grabs for his gun. The sound of automatic fire is heard as he is shot, but when Caesar (the shooter) comes into view, he is carrying a pump-action shotgun.


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Suggested correction: Caesar shoots him just once, other shots were made by the man himself from his firearm.

The sound of a shotgun is very different from a rifle. It is quite obvious Caesar shot him, but the sound is still wrong.


The Colonel: All of human history has lead to this moment. The irony is we created you. And nature has been punishing us ever since. This is our last stand. And if we lose... it will be a Planet of Apes.

More quotes from War for the Planet of the Apes

Trivia: The hairless ape gives the blonde kid the name "Nova" on a piece of metal. That's a reference to the 1968 version - in that film there was a girl with the same name.


More trivia for War for the Planet of the Apes

Answer: The above answer applies to Malcolm. Will was the character from the first movie, who was not in Dawn of Planet of the Apes. While no definitive answer was ever given, I think the safe bet is that he died of the Simian flu, along with millions of others.


Answer: At the end of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, they and the other surviving humans there packed up and left after the events. We don't know where they went.

Quantom X

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