Question: How could the Erumpent the size of a whale escape out of Newt's case without Newt around, without his help (magic)? Can Erumpents shrink themselves like Occamies?
Answer: This might actually be a valid mistake. The exit of the suitcase is depicted as being inside a hut, at the ceiling. A savanna creature like that would not even consider that to be a route it might be able to take, because that requires (sorry for the pun) out-of-the-box thinking.
Perhaps that would be true for a non-magical creature; however, there are numerous references in the Wizarding World canon to magical creatures have human-like cognitive abilities (Kneazles are one prominent example), so perhaps Erumpents fall into the same category.
I agree under normal circumstances the creature wouldn't try to escape. However, as Newt pointed out, this creature was in mating season and was looking for a partner; which is why she went to the zoo as there were the closest creatures she sensed to herself. Animals going out of their natural habitat when they sense a potential mating partner is a natural survival instinct real animals do. As real animals do this, it makes sense this creature would do the same thing as a real animal.
As said elsewhere, the exit is depicted as in the ceiling. Erumpets aren't displaying any intelligence beyond that of a bull or rhinoceros. Climbing out through a roof hatch is not in their behavioral patterns, mating season or not. A bull won't climb a ladder, no matter how many cows are on the roof.
Question: Newt manged to capture all of the escaped beasts except the billwig. Why did he give up on it? Because it's just a little insect? or he had already many of the species in the case?
Question: Why does Graves want to find an Obscurial so badly?
Chosen answer: Obscurials often manifest around childhood. Children are young and influential, so Graves/Grindelwald can persuade one to let their magic free without much protest in a public place as an indestructible weapon. As we witnessed when Credence rampaged through New York, Obscurials would be far more destructive to whole cities than just casting a lot of spells.
There's WAY more to it than that-although you'd never know it if you only ever watched the original HP films and never read the books. In short, Graves/Grindelwald has had first-hand experience with an Obscurial before. Remember that painting Aberforth Dumbledore had on the wall of the Hog's Head Pub in Deathly Hallows Part 2? That was Ariana Dumbledore, his and Albus' sister. When she was a child, she was attacked by three Muggle boys who caught her doing magic, which traumatized her and caused her to become an Obscurial; the Obscurus inside her later killed the siblings' mother. At the same time, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were plotting together to bring wizards out of hiding and reassert their superiority over Muggles with the help of the Elder Wand. In the end, Aberforth confronted them, leading to a chaotic duel that resulted in Ariana being killed by a stray curse. Dumbledore and Grindelwald went their separate ways, with Grindelwald putting their visions of wizard supremacy into action, while Dumbledore's grief for his sister led him to repent and shun power for the rest of his life. Virtually none of this made it into the movies. But that's why Grindelwald wanted an Obscurial so badly-because he'd seen one before and knew first-hand how lethal they could be.
Actually, it was never 100% confirmed that Ariana did become an Obscurial.
Answer: In the second film in this series, Crimes of Grindelwald, it's revealed that Grindelwald had a vision years ago that he would use an Obscurial to aid him in killing Dumbledore, since the two of them were magically barred from fighting each other. That's why he was so determined to sway Credence to his side.
Question: Why do both Henry Shaw Sr. and Jr. treat Langdon Shaw like garbage? Also, after Henry Jr.'s death, does Langdon finally get his father's approval?
Answer: I think part of it had to with Langdon believing in witchcraft and that witches and wizards were real. They don't reveal if he ever gets his father's approval.
Chosen answer: Erumpents cannot change their size, however the suitcase is itself enchanted to allow objects of any size to enter and exit its magically expanded interior. Newt's presence is not required for this.
Phixius ★