Best movie corrections of 1945

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State Fair picture

Corrected entry: In the scene where it is going around the fair and various people are singing, there are two people in a love boat. They pass under a bridge coming towards the camera, and there is a sign on the bridge telling them to remain seated that they couldn't possibly see unless they twist around and look back.

Correction: Stupid sign placement isn't a mistake, it is real life.


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House of Dracula picture

Corrected entry: About twenty minutes before the movie ends Lon Chaney Jr.'s name changes from "Lyle" to "Larry". (00:50:20)

Correction: I watched the entire movie again and not at any time is Mr. Talbot called "Lyle". At the beginning of the film, when the wolfman first comes to see the doctor he introduces himself as "Lawrence Talbot" and is called "Larry" throughout the film.

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Blithe Spirit picture

Corrected entry: In the beginning, Madame Macarti, talking to the spirits, says, "Is anyone there? One rap for yes and two raps for no." Well, if no-one is there, there will be no two raps.


Correction: This is meant to be a joke. The characters themselves are laughing at the absurdity of the medium.


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