
What Is and What Should Never Be - S2-E20

Audio problem: Dean is in the cemetery talking to his father's grave, trying to figure out what's happening to him. In a continuous shot, right after Dean says "like it doesn't want me to be happy", you hear him say, "of course I know what you'd say" but his mouth doesn't move at all. (00:23:00)


All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: Before the Roadhouse fire, Ash and Dean are talking on the phone. Ash looks at his watch, on his left hand, it says 8:10, and has a black dial/face. As Dean and Bobby go through the rubble, Dean identifies Ash by his watch. Still on his left hand, it is now upside down, evident by the crown of the watch (used to move the hands of the watch) which previously facing his hand, is now facing his elbow. Also, the dial/face of the watch is now silver instead of black. This is a different watch, and was inadvertently put on the burnt arm upside down.


All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Dean is with Bobby at the burned down Roadhouse and Dean gets Andy's vision about where Sam is, the first time Dean scrunches his face in pain he puts his left hand to his head. The shot changes to a back view and you can tell his left hand is still at his head. But when the shot switches again Dean is bringing his right hand down from his head.

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Suggested correction: Your entry is based on opinion/theory only. It's possible for someone who died in a fire to have parts of their body to not be affected by the fire.

All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 - S2-E21

Visible crew/equipment: When dean and Bobby drive to the burnt down road house, you can see the boards holding up the wall in the set at the old front door, the boards are set at a right angle to hold the wall up but definitely wouldn't be there it the place was intact.

Fresh Blood - S3-E7

Revealing mistake: Dean cuts himself near the beginning of the episode, however the blood begins to drip (spurt really) before the blade cuts into his arm.

Fresh Blood - S3-E7

Revealing mistake: Sam takes the SIM card out of his phone so it can't be tracked, but when he takes the back off his phone, there's no battery, and the SIM card is just lying in the back not attached to anything! Same for Dean's - he takes the back off and the card just falls right out, not secured in any way as it would be in a real phone.

Jon Sandys

Time Is on My Side - S3-E15

Factual error: When Bela shoots at who she thinks is Dean and Sam in bed, it's really blow up dolls. But they don't start deflating until she pulls the covers off them.

Lazarus Rising - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Dean uses the silver knife to cut his arm to prove he is not a shape shifter, a few moments later Dean is showing Bobby the hand print on his arm, and the cut is miraculously gone. (00:13:00 - 00:15:00)

In the Beginning - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: In this episode, Dean says he was born in 1979. In the first two seasons, in the flashback to their mother dying, that's in 1983 which would make Dean 4 years old. He's definitely not 4 years old in the flashbacks.

Metamorphosis - S4-E4

Revealing mistake: The guy gets a pack of raw hamburger out of the fridge and starts shoveling it in his mouth. We can plainly see it's just red jello.

Free to Be You and Me - S5-E3

Audio problem: When Dean and Castiel are speaking to the police officer, Dean and Cas say "nothing" and "demons" at the same time. The second time this happens, Cas' voice says demons but his mouth is not moving. (00:11:55)

Dean Winchester: Come on man. I know Sam, ok? Better than anyone. He's got more of a conscience than I do. I mean the guy feels guilty searching the internet for porn.

More quotes from Supernatural

Trivia: With the exception of season 1 every season finale starts with the song "Carry On My Wayward Son" by Kansas. In season 1 the song was used in the second to last episode which was part one of a two part finale.

Maria Santos

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Season 5 generally

Question: In the one episode Gabriel attempted to kill Lucifer with his archangel blade. Even though he didn't succeed, why didn't they attempt to do use one before? Couldn't Cas have given them one, or gotten one if an archangel's blade is different then an angel blade (I'm not sure), or would it have even killed Lucifer, because he is an angel after all?


Answer: Angel blades come from angels. It's their angelic magic that makes it special. Therefore, an archangel blade is made magical with the powers of an archangel. They couldn't have just created one or used one, as none of them are archangels.

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