Cubs Fan

12th Dec 2005

General questions

I know that at the Oscars, Best Picture and Best Director usually go hand-in-hand. What was the first film to win one without winning the other?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: At the very first Academy Awards (1927/28) "Wings" won Outstanding Picture and the Directing awards went to "Two Arabian Nights" and "7th Heaven" (one for "best direction" one for "best comedy direction"). In fact it wasn't until the 3rd year that "All Quiet on the Western Front" won both. So far the awards have gone to different pictures 19 times.


7th Dec 2005

The Last Waltz (1978)

Chosen answer: The show was recorded on Thanksgiving, 1976. The movie was released April 26, 1978, 17 months later closer to 1.5 years. The movie was not just the straight footage of the one concert, it includes various interviews, studio sessions, etc. filmed at different times. It had to be edited, produced, distribution had to be arranged. Then a release date was picked probably based on some marketing scheme - what other movies were being released around that time, etc. 17 months is not at all an unusual delay for this process.


6th Dec 2005

Law & Order (1990)

Chosen answer: Going from memory: Stone gave a nice deal to the star witness against Masucci. He gave some deal to Beigel, the brother-in-law. The witness lied under oath: he was in the hospital and could have never heard the conversation he claimed he did. There was a mistrial declared, jeopardy had attached (Masucci could not be retried for the same crime) and Stone was bound by the deal he gave Biegel, and to the witness. Everyone won, except Stone. The testimony was planned.


17th Nov 2005

General questions

Is there a difference between a "featuring" credit and an "introducing" credit? If so, what is it?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: "Introducing" means that this is the actor's first role, or sometimes their first credited major role, i.e. not "3rd Dancing Guy". "Featuring" can mean several things. For example, an actor may have negotiated this into their contract so that their name stands out more in the credits or to point out a major player in a less than major part.


10th Oct 2005

Heat (1995)

Chosen answer: She was upset becasue her father was suppose to hang out with her, but he ditched her again.


31st Aug 2005

The Punisher (1989)

Answer: With how many criminals Frank has killed, many of them would definitely want revenge. By hiding in the sewers, there's less chance of him or his hideout being discovered. If Frank lived anywhere above ground, his enemies would be able to find him more quickly and kill him.

Chosen answer: Because of the stink and water, it would be impossible for police dogs to track him. The sewers are also good for quick retreat and hiding.

John Cyr

Question: After reaching Coruscant, why does Qui-Gon tell Chancellor Valorum that he needs to speak with the Jedi Council? Wouldn't Qui-Gon simply report to the Temple once he arrived?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Valorum sent Qui-Gon to Naboo as his personal ambassador, so the Chancellor would expect to discuss the situation on their return. Qui-Gon is excusing himself in order to bring the news of the Sith reappearance to the Jedi Council as soon as possible.


15th Aug 2005

Miracle (2004)

Chosen answer: Oh definitely. His strategy was to make the team hate him....together. They united under that, and it clicked at the right time.


Chosen answer: It's a 'pork pie' style hat.


15th Aug 2005

General questions

How are movies transferred from 35mm film to VHS/DVD?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: The film is projected from a regular projector into a mirror prism that reflects it into a special camera whose shutters are synched to the speed of the projector's. The signal is then sent to a video tape. Then the signal from the camera is sent to a computer where it is cleaned up and enhanced and then sent to the digital or recorded format.


Question: How can the Death Star be operational if the superstructure hasn't been completed yet?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: They already had gravity, lighting, plumbing, docking bays, life support etc. I assume the entire station is built around the power core and weapon. All the remaining sections were probably crew quarters, storage, more docking bays etc.

Soylent Purple

3rd Aug 2005

General questions

Chosen answer: Paul Newman in The Hustler/The Color of Money, Al Pacino in The Godfather/The Godfather II and Bing Crosby in Going My Way/The Bells of St. Mary's.

Ariane Schultheis

Chosen answer: We have no particularly accurate way of telling how long Maul was his apprentice, although it's stated that Maul was trained as a Sith from a very young age, so it was probably some considerable time. As far as we know, Tyranus became the apprentice after Maul's death, so he held the position for roughly thirteen years. Vader then took over, holding the position until the events of Return of the Jedi, a period of about twenty-two years.


Question: Is Senator Palpatine aware of Queen Amidala's use of decoys to protect herself?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: There's no indication one way or another. It's not particularly likely that he's ever been briefed on her security arrangements, but he's familiar enough with Amidala that his force abilities would be able to tell him that it wasn't her if he encountered her decoy at some point.


6th Jul 2005

General questions

How long do feature films usually run in theaters before they are released on DVD/VHS?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: They typically vary from film to film. It used to be a period of at least 6-7 months before they released them for rental or sale. These days however many are being released quite soon after their release, in some cases even as quick as 2-3 months (The Ray Charles film "Ray" was a recent one). The time it takes all depends on how the studio wants to distribute the film.


17th May 2005

Manhunter (1986)

Chosen answer: It was done to capitalize on the success of "The Silence of the Lambs," which made Hannibal Lecter a household name.

K.C. Sierra

Question: Sometimes it's difficult to tell which events are real and which aren't. Which events actually happened, and which ones did Verbal make up?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: There's no particularly good way to tell - one good rule of thumb is to consider which events the police would be able to quickly check themselves. So, for example, Verbal's description of the attack on New York's Finest Taxi Service would have been substantially factual, as he wouldn't want to risk contradicting anything that the police might have found out from witnesses. Likewise the deaths of Saul Berg and his bodyguards would be largely correct. The most likely scenario is that large parts of what Verbal says are reasonably close to the truth - by doing that, it would make it easier for him to stick to a consistent story.


Answer: There's a plot hole there though. Verbal basically tells Kujan that it was he who shot Saul. He's basically confessed to murder, which would surely change the situation? Why not just say Keaton shot Saul?

Answer: I believe everything is factual up to the point they go to L.A. Agent Kujon confirms the lineup and taxi service bust.

29th Apr 2005

Boogie Nights (1997)

Question: When he starts his first film, Dirk is presumably 17. Isn't it illegal for anyone under 18 to be in a porn film?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: It is illegal, but that doesn't mean that it's not possible for him to get away with it. Tracy Lords was under 18 when she first started making porn.

Jane Doe

Question: What is it with Rick Masters and shooting people in the face? I counted three deaths that way.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: If you want to be reasonably certain of an instant kill, headshots are the way to go.


Answer: Rick can only be implicated in shooting one person in the face, and that is not seen. His henchman shoots two people in the face.

1st Apr 2005

Manhunter (1986)

Question: When Jack Crawford is explaining to his team about the Tooth Fairy's note to Lecktor, there is, very prominently in the foreground, what looks like a paperweight on his desk. What exactly is it, and why is it so important as to be in the foreground? (00:43:20)

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: It's the plaster cast of the Tooth Fairy's teeth made from the bite impressions he left on past victims.


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