Trivia: The series was created by Science Fiction writer Peter David and actor/writer Bill Mumy, who starred in the original "Lost in Space" series in addition to other science-fiction and fantasy series. They wanted to create a science-fiction series for kids, and gave guest-roles to other well-known science fiction actors including Mark Hamill and George Takei as a nod to the genre. Somewhat coincidentally, one of the lead actors in season one, Jewel Staite, subsequently went on to become a science fiction star in her own right... five years after "Space Cases" ended, she went on to co-star in the beloved cult-hit series "Firefly" and its movie spin-off "Serenity" as the spunky mechanic Kaylee.
Space Cases (1996)
2 trivia entries for show generally
Starring: Kristian Ayre, Paige Christina, Rahi Azizi, Walter Jones
Thelma: None of my memory banks have deleted information in the past 39 hours. A new record.
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