Quotes from Meg Ryan movies and TV shows - page 4 of 4

Sally Albright: Yes it is. You are a human affront to all women and I am a woman.

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Barbara Delacorte: Everything was wonderful, Mary. I must have the name of your caterer. So yummy.
Mary Haines: Oh, no. I made everything myself. I think people appreciate the personal touch.
Barbara Delacorte: You cooked? Oh, Mary, how could you. What were you thinking? Now we'll all have to do that.

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Kathleen Kelly: You poor, sad, multimillionaire. I feel so sorry for you.

Kathleen Kelly: Is it infidelity if you're involved with somebody on email?
Christina Plutzker: Have you had sex?
Kathleen Kelly: No, of course not! I don't even know him.
Christina Plutzker: No, I mean cybersex.
Kathleen Kelly: No.
Christina Plutzker: Well, you know what? Don't do it, 'cause the minute you do, they lose all respect for you.

Kathleen Kelly: What will NY152 say today, I wonder. I turn on my computer. I wait impatiently as it connects. I go online, and my breath catches in my chest until I hear three little words: You've got mail. I hear nothing. Not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beating of my own heart. I have mail. From you.

Joe Fox: It wasn't... personal.
Kathleen Kelly: What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's personal to a lot of people. And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway?
Joe Fox: Uh, nothing.
Kathleen Kelly: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.

Matthew Fox: F-O-X.
Kathleen Kelly: That is amazing, you can spell "fox"! Can you spell "dog"?
Matthew Fox: F-O-X.

Kathleen Kelly: I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York. Just the beat of my own heart. I have mail - from you.

Kathleen Kelly: I thought all that Fox stuff was so charming. F-O-X.
Joe Fox: Well, I didn't lie about it.
Kathleen Kelly: "Joe"?"Just call me Joe"? As if you were one of those stupid 22-year old girls with no last name?"Hi, I'm Kimberly!" "Hi, I'm Janice!" Don't they know you're supposed to have a last name? It's like they're an entire generation of cocktail waitresses.

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