
26th May 2010

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: Did anyone know that Gordon didn't actually die? Or were Batman or Dent in on the plan?

Answer: Given Dent's reaction after Gordon saves him it seems he had no idea. It seems by Batman's reaction in the armored car chase that he knew Gordon was the driver but it's not totally clear. Batman going to Gordon's house after his apparent death gives viewers the idea he also thought Gordon was dead. This may have just been Batman "playing to appearances" so to say. The way the chase ended seems to lead you to think Batman and Gordon had planned the whole thing together.


24th Jan 2009

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: How exactly is Dent responsible for the death of Rachel? I can see how Gordon is (he didn't fight corrupt cops earlier) and how Batman is to some degree (he rescued Dent instead of Rachel). But seriously, Dent was tied up and bound to a similar fate as Rachel (getting blown up) and had no part in her death. Any thoughts?

Answer: Dent feels respondsible because he went along with Batman and Gordon's plan. He let Gordon and Batman do it their way without doing much more than doing a little complaining. He knew Gordon had corrupt cops in his unit but in the end he chose not to fight with Gordon over that detail. So in a way, he felt that if he had done and fought more(or not gotten involved at all) that in some way he might have been able to prevent Rachel's death.


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