
13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Monk gives an election speech we see Amsterdam and his buddies standing at a distance in front of a house. When the camera angle changes in mid-sentence Amsterdam is standing in the first row of the audience. (02:05:25)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: When William "Boss" Tweed tries to win over Amsterdam, he hands him a newspaper that covers the events at the church of the previous day. In the next shot Amsterdam's hands are rested in his lap and the paper is nowhere, and the following wide shot confirms that he hasn't dropped it on the floor. (02:03:00)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the shot when Amsterdam is lying on the table and Bill's cleaver is rotating in the air you see that he is wearing a checkered black-and-white scarf. This wasn't there before, and it's gone right after, and it would have been visible the way he was manhandled by Bill's men. (01:42:15)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: After Amsterdam gets almost killed by Bill, Jenny is tending to him in a cave. She leans over him to kiss him, and while she does so a scarf that she had around her shoulders disappears. (01:44:05)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Jenny and Amsterdam are lying in bed Bill suddenly sits in a chair next to the bed. He has an American flag draped over his shoulders. The way the flag is folded on the stars side changes when Amsterdam asks him if his shoulder is keeping him up, without Bill changing position. (01:22:45)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: After the party following Bill's attempted murder Jenny walks up the stairs. Amsterdam runs after her immediately to confront her, and when he storms into her room she is in the middle of cleaning Bill's blood-stained clothes. Besides, there's no water in the bowl. (01:20:30)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Amsterdam jumps at the killer to protect Bill, the way he takes off to the right and the way he grabs the hand with the gun coming from the left side don't fit. (01:13:40)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the battle of Five Points a witch-like women with steel claws jumps at a man, already flashing her teeth in anticipation of a good bite. Before she lands on him she lowers her head that it ends up below his shoulder, but when the camera angle changes she's biting off his ear. (00:08:50)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Amsterdam comes to Bill's place for the first time there is a little altar with priest Vallon's picture. It has an inscription saying 'In Memory of Priest Vallon, 1846'. When he comes the second time and has his fist fight with McGloin the picture falls on the ground. When Bill put's it back on its place the inscription isn't there. (00:42:50)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: Before the Ghoul Gang leaves the Portuguese ship, Amsterdam throws the captain's body into the boat. It lands more or less under the seat, but in the next shot the body is placed right at the bow. (00:38:35)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: At their first encounter after Amsterdam's return to New York, Bill asks him to come closer. Amsterdam comes around the post he was leaning on, then the camera cuts to Priest Vallon's picture, and when Bill says it's close enough you see Amsterdam coming around the same post again. (00:35:15)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the future Ghoul Gang shares the booty, Amsterdam provokes the leader who is sitting down while the others are standing behind the table. The guy jumps at him, while the others stay where they are, but before he reaches Amsterdam the others guys separate them, emerging mysteriously from the sides. (00:30:20)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Amsterdam and Johnny are looting the burning house Johnny gets trapped by a burning beam. Amsterdam can't make up his mind if he should continue the robbery or rescue his friend, looks at a heap of jewelry lying on the floor, then at Johnny, and when he grabs some pieces before he comes to his help there are only a few scattered around. (00:28:55)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: After young Amsterdam grabs the knife his father was killed with he runs into the Old Brewery. You see his friend Johnny coming from inside while Amsterdam is running up the steps. Then a cut on Bill, then back to the brewery door, and Johnny emerges from the dark again calling out for his friend, and in this shot Amsterdam hasn't even reached the steps yet. (00:13:10)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: In Vallon's death scene the blood streaks on his face change in at least three ways, most visibly those on his right cheek. Also the shaving cut he had inflicted on himself before the battle vanishes between two shots. (00:11:45)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Vallon lies on the ground after Bill has stabbed him he is tightly surrounded by people. When you see his son holding on to his dying father you should see other people's feet, but there aren't any. Also from the lighting of the scene you can tell that these shots were taken with no crowd around. (00:11:00)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the Five Points battle, when the defeat of priest Vallon is announced, there are some shots of his shocked followers. In one you see Monk with a pretty clean face, but when the camera closes up on his face it's full of measles-looking blood stains. (00:10:35)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: The moment when Bill attacks Vallon is very badly edited. There's a shot of Bill raising his cleaver, and it must be at Vallon because he had his eyes fixed on him already for a while. Then you see Vallon's arm crushed by a halberd, then again Bill staring at Vallon, then Vallon turning around, unharmed as it seems, and finally Bill slashing Vallon with his cleaver. (00:09:55)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: Before the big battle of Five Points begins Bill's gang comes out from a decrepit house. In the first wide shot of the place there is no smoke coming out ouf the chimney of the adjacent house to the right, but a moment later when Bill's people start to emerge it's smoking heavily. (00:06:00)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the very beginning of the movie priest Vallon is shaving. The reflection in the mirror shows a wispy, short mustache, but when we see Vallon's face as he speaks to his son his mustache is thick and twisted. (00:01:40)


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