
22nd Nov 2012

General questions

I watched a movie when I was a child, which would have come out in the late 1970's-early 1980's. The only scene I remember, which was near the start I believe, was a young knight, in full armour possibly, and he was walking along the castle walls pretending to fight someone with his sword. That's as much as I remember unfortunately but I did watch it over and over again. I remember watching the Muppets take Manhattan around the same time as this movie. Help on this would be greatly appreciated.


22nd Nov 2012

General questions

I watched this movie on cable around 1996-97. The only scenes and characters I remember were that there were two young males and a female around their late teens. The girl was attractive and blonde-haired. One guy was a studly looking bloke whereas the other guy was your typical nerd type, like Stewart from revenge of the nerds. Both of the boys daydream and have sexual fantasies about the blonde. The nerd fantasizes about having sex with her in a bed in the middle of the desert, she is on top, whereas the stud imagines making out with her on the hood of a car. The only other scene I remember is that as they think they may die from starvation, because they are in the middle of nowhere in one of the hotter American states like Arizona maybe, so they take photos on a disposable camera. Anyone know a movie like this?


Chosen answer: Except for the character descriptions, everything that happened was in a movie called Never on Tuesday. Two guys and a sexy babe, Claudia Christian have a collision in the middle of the desert. While waiting for help, the guys fantasize about her, but she's gay.

22nd Nov 2012

General questions

I watched this European movie in during the early to mid 1990's, and there were subtitles. It could have been a Russian film maybe - the main character was either a doctor or psychiatrist, and the only two other characters I remember was a young boy who was maybe 9 or 10 years old, and his main patient was a 15 or 16 year old girl. She was really attracted to him but she was mentally unstable. He finds that she has hung herself in her room. Later on, some of the other room mates play a prank on the doctor and hang a pretend doll that resembles the young boy. The main character is also dating a beautiful brunette woman, but that's as much as I remember from this film.


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