Grumpy Scot

12th Jan 2004

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: Why did Costner's character have to use that timer thing to gauge how long he is underwater? He has gills so he should be able to breathe underwater therefore he wouldn't have to limit his exploring time so much.


Correction: The timer was to trigger the winch to pull up all the loot.

Correction: My theory on this is so he can make sure his awesome boat isn't left unattended for too long but that's just my thoughts.

Correction: Considering how scarce fresh water is and how easy it is to desalinate seawater, there could be chemicals in the sea after the war. Maybe the he sets the timer because he knows that staying down much longer will make him sick.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: Could be he was timing for the sleeping cycle of the large sea creatures roaming the oceans. He doesn't want to be caught so deep when those things show up.


11th Nov 2003

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: Wouldn't the Jet-Ski's be useless as there wouldn't be any fuel available for them if all the land is flooded in water?

Correction: The Smoker's HQ is the Exxon Valdez, which is partially full of crude oil. They are cracking it into gasoline.

Grumpy Scot

17th Jun 2003

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: Right at the beginning Costner uses a machine to convert his urine into drinkable water. Any machine which can make urine drinkable would work perfectly well on seawater. Urine has far more contaminants than seawater.

Correction: In the directors cut of Waterworld, the Mariner says that they can't use sea water because the salt clogs and ruins the filter.

Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2001

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: Paper is seemingly a rare commodity in Waterworld, but all the bad guys run around smoking cigarettes all the time.

Correction: True, but the Mariner and the old Scientist are the only ones who show any interest in it. The average population probably doesn't care, making it not too valuble even though its rare. Also, the smoker leader is seen throwing cigarettes out of cartons. These are pre-deluge cigs, not hand rolled.

Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2001

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: If dirt is so hard to find, why are all of the characters so filthy?

Correction: It's rust, not dirt all over them. The big metal island and the Valdez are very rusty. Run your hand over extremely rusty metal and you will get an orange\brown stain. It looks like dirt from a little ways away.

Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2001

Waterworld (1995)

Corrected entry: Can planes, boats and jet-skis run on plain crude oil? There's no real petrol ever mentioned.

Correction: Crude oil isn't particularly difficult to turn into gasoline. Especially if the Valdez originally had a chemical engineer on board and passed on his knowledge to the descendants.

Grumpy Scot

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