
Question: I'm curious to know: Jack was the captain of the Pearl when they found the island with the Aztecs gold. In another post it was stated that Jack, as the Captain, would recieve 2/3 of the loot. So why didn't Jack take a piece of the gold along with the other pirates?

Answer: Because they threw a mutiny and marooned Jack on an island so he was not there to take a piece of gold.


Question: I have read all the trivia for this movie and everyone is talking about "that's from the Disney ride" can someone please explain this to me? I don't understand at all.

Answer: There is a Disney ride in FL, and I believe CA as well, that is called Pirates of the Caribbean. There are some scenes from the movie that are modelled after parts of the ride.


31st Mar 2005

Mulan (1998)

Question: In all respect, was a woman allowed to hug the emperor at that time?

Answer: Nobody was allowed to hug the emperor.


Question: Time travel question: Harry has been saved after the transformation of the werewolf because of a howl. However, this only happened because of their time travel, so the "first run" is maybe supposed to end somehow differently - e.g. Harry having been killed by the werewolf, making the scenario at the hospital ward unable to happen at all.

Answer: No that howl the whole time was Hermione, it was never another wolf. Look at it this way: at Hagrid's hut the trio did not know to leave until the Future Hermione threw 2 stones through the window. This scene (and any times Hermione travels back in time) is basically on a loop. One (Hermione throwing the stone to alert her self) has to happen for the other (real time) to continue as planned. Any other sequence of events is impossible. Weird, but just how it works.


25th Apr 2004

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Question: Who is Bruce doing an impression of in front of the mirror when he's talking about having a signature sign-off? He uses a comb as a moustache.

Answer: He's doing an impression of Walter Cronkite (Kronkite?) a well known news person.


Question: Why doesn't Legolas ever run out of arrows throughout the movie?

Answer: After battles Legolas picks up the enemies' arrows (if they used any). I believe that he also makes his own (though we don't seem him do either of the 2 things).


Chosen answer: In the appendix of the RotK it does briefly talk about Legolas' leaving. It is said he waited until Aragorn died then built himself a boat and him and Gimli left Middle Earth and were the last of the fellowship to leave.


Question: At the end, where is it that Frodo, Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, Galadriel and Celeborn are sailing to, and why are they all going there?

Answer: They are sailing to the Undying Lands. Elrond, Galadriel, and Celborn are leaving because the time of the elves has enden and for them to stay in Middle Earth would be pointless. Bilbo leaves because he was offered and accepted Arwen's place. Frodo because there is nothing left for him in Middle Earth and I believe that Gandalf leaves because he has fully filled his promise to help Frodo destroy the ring. An additional part of Frodo's reason for leaving Middle Earth is because his wound (from the Nazgul) will no longer pain him in Valinor, the Undying Lands. Bilbo and Frodo also earned the privilege as Ringbearers. In fact, Tolkien says that because he bore the Ring for even a short while, Sam Gamgee also was later permitted to journey to the West.


Question: Often when Gollum is in the middle of a sentence, he will cough the words "Gollum, Gollum". Why is that? It does that in the book too but I don't understand it.

Answer: It is not known exactly why he makes this noise only that it started after he recieved the ring. Since any people that knew him are now dead or have forgotten his name, the sound he makes (gollum,gollum) is what people now call him.


Question: Does anyone know what the small box Malfoy has in the Slytherin house scene (with Harry and Ron in disguise) is? Or whose it is?

Answer: That small box is just a present that another Slytherin got but accidentally left around and now Malfoy is stealing it. I believe it is just another way to show off his nastiness.


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