One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the second basketball scene, when McMurphy shouts at Martini because he threw the ball against the fence, there's a lot of equipment visible on the left side, most prominently a big spotlight. (01:05:20)


Visible crew/equipment: When McMurphy tries to make the "dancer" vote for the world series he dances with him through the hall. When he does that you see the shadows of the boom mike and cables on them. (00:43:50)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where McMurphy gets upset while playing blackjack, he gets up and walks towards the nurses' quarters to turn down the volume on the record player. Martini and Bibbit are still sitting at the card table while McMurphy is walking towards the nurses' quarters but when he gets inside, Martini is already leaning against the counter of the nurses' quarters with Bibbit close behind him. (00:27:00)

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McMurphy: What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets, and that's it.

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Trivia: The title comes from a nursery rhyme by British writer Oliver Goldsmith (1730?-1774).

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Question: I'm not from the USA so excuse the lack of knowledge, would pleading insanity really get you off a rape charge?

Answer: 1) McMurphy didn't exactly "get off" by reason of insanity; he was still incarcerated for an indefinite amount of time, just in a psychiatric facility rather than a traditional prison. 2) He was originally sent to a normal prison for the statutory rape charge, but is then transferred to the mental hospital due to repeated acts of aggression that suggested some form of psychosis (or, as the doctor suspects, faking it to get out of hard labor). 3) No, it wouldn't. The insanity defense is a) very rare and b) very hard to prove, and it would be difficult to apply to rape, statutory or otherwise.

Answer: Insanity, legally, is defined as not knowing right from wrong. It can also be "temporary." It can only be diagnosed by a licensed psychiatrist, and it is rarely determined as such. Laws vary from state to state, but if a person was guilty of a serious crime and was found to be insane, they'd be confined to a mental hospital, either long-term, permanently, or, if they sufficiently improve, they'd be either be released after a certain amount of time or transferred to a general prison to complete their sentence or remain there indefinitely.

raywest Premium member

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