The Wash

The Wash (2001)

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Directed by: DJ Pooh

Starring: Snoop Dogg, Anthony Albano, Dr. Dre, Tic

Genres: Comedy

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Continuity mistake: There is a scene where two guys park their car in the driveway of the wash, blocking customers, and hitting their hydraulics repeatedly to make a scene. The hydraulics break, and it shows a view from the back, the right rear is out and hanging down. Then it cuts away, then cuts back to see them leaving, only now it is the LEFT rear of the car that is down.

More mistakes in The Wash

Question: Who handed Sean the blunt in the scene where he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom? The next scene shows D Loc waking up from under a comforter, as if he hadn't set foot on the floor that morning. And Diane was still asleep on the floor in the living room, guarding her personals for dear life.

Answer: Snoop dog.

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