
Ben-Hur (1959)

7 pictures since 21 Mar '24, 15:19

(19 votes)

Ben-Hur mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Judah Ben-Hur removes the large ring he had received from Arrius and gives it to Pontius Pilate to return to Arrius. Following this, he returns to the leper colony with Esther, and he reunites with Miriam. When Judah is told Tirzah is dying, as Judah searches the cave for Tirzah, he is once again wearing the large ring he had received from Arrius, on his right index finger. Then, that ring vanishes when he finds Tirzah.

Ben-Hur mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Right before the chariot race, when Sheik Ilderim is standing at Judah's right side and tells Judah, "Be careful, don't let him near you," Judah places his hand on the Sheik's forearm as the fanfare starts. Then it cuts to a long shot, with the Sheik now suddenly on Judah's left side, and Judah removing his hand from the Sheik's forearm.


Ben-Hur mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the race Judah runs into the remains of another chariot and almost falls off the cart. You can see that the guy who is doing the handstand on the railing is a stuntman. (00:26:15)


Ben-Hur mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the chariot race, just as Judah (stunt double) flips over in his chariot in the wide shot, a low angle camera is visible on the track under a canopy, at the right side of the screen.

Super Grover

Ben-Hur mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the race, dolphin sculptures are tipped down to count the laps. Right after the third dolphin is lowered, there's a shot from below a horse and one can see that the dolphin is raised again. (02:46:55)


Ben-Hur mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the chariot race, Judah's chariot has a decorative front metal rail, and in some shots there is a plump curved cushion attached to the rail, on its inner side. It repeatedly disappears and reappears throughout the scene.

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When one of the ships collides with the other, you can clearly see that the rowers being hit are dummies. (01:19:00)

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Quintus Arrius: Now listen to me, all of you. You are all condemned men. We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well, and live.

More quotes from Ben-Hur

Trivia: The 'Greek chariot' Mesalla uses in the race is based on the Persian scythed chariots which Darius III attempted to use against Alexander the Great's troops at the battle of Gaugamela, though with only insignificant success.

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