Where The Heart Is

Trivia: When Novalee (played by Natalie Portman) is running out of the Wal-Mart after realizing that Willy Jack has left her, there is a poster above the door from Star Wars Episode 1. The poster is Natalie Portman as Queen Amidala. These posters were supposed to have been removed during filming.

Continuity mistake: In the scenes at the beginning where Willy Jack is in the car his shirt changes 3 times before he's finally pulled over with the 14 year old girl. It's all one day. (00:14:00)

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Suggested correction: This is not entirely unusual. A person might change their shirt, more than once, if the weather is making them sweat. Especially if the car does not have AC. Novalee said that Willy Jack bought the car very cheap, and there is a hole in the floor, so I would not be surprised if the AC was broken.

I second this. My husband owned a car that didn't have AC, and it was not unusual for him to change his shirt on hot days.

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Novalee Nation: What do you think? It took me a whole month to get back to my old size.
Thelma 'Sister' Husband: Oh, well, a little weight on a woman is no harm.

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Question: I read on movietome.com that Uma Thurman played a girl named Daphne in this movie. I have watched over and over and read the end credits and can't find her anywhere. Is she in this movie?

Answer: Wrong movie. She is in Where The Heart Is (1990), not Where The Heart Is (2000).

J I Cohen

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