To Kill A Mockingbird

Tom Robinson didn't rape Mayella Ewell but is still found guilty by the jury. After the trial, Atticus (Gregory Peck) is informed that Tom was killed while trying to escape. Months later, Jem and Scout are attacked by Bob Ewell and then an unknown person attacks and kills Bob. The one who killed Bob was Arthur "Boo" Radley (Robert Duvall), the "scary man" from the beginning of the film; he is also the one who left the watch and the dolls in the tree for Scout and Jem (also seen earlier in the film). The sheriff tells Atticus that there shouldn't be a trial over Arthur killing Bob because it was self-defense and that it would be a sin to make it public. An adult Scout narrates a bit about her childhood and about something Atticus once said: "You never truly know someone until you've stood in their shoes and walked around in them."


Continuity mistake: When Bob Ewell is on the witness stand and Atticus asks him if he ran for a doctor, Atticus is hovering over Ewell and his visible shadow behind Ewell reflects this. When the camera shifts to Atticus, he is a good 10-15 feet away. When the camera returns to Ewell, Atticus' shadow is still there.

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Atticus Finch: Did you rape Mayella Ewell?
Tom Robinson: I did not, sir.
Atticus Finch: Did you harm her in any way?
Tom Robinson: I did not.

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More trivia for To Kill A Mockingbird

Question: Why did everybody in the courtroom go silent when Tom said that he did chores for Mayella because he felt sorry for her?

Answer: At that time in history, Tom, a black man, was considered inferior to Mayella, a white woman. When he says he "felt sorry" for her, it is interpreted as him thinking he is above her or better off in some way. Regardless of his good intentions, for him to think of himself as being in a superior position to help her was considered unacceptable because it was seen as a black person rising above their lower place in society.


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