
Bumblebee (2018)

2 corrected entries

(7 votes)

Corrected entry: The military used Hummers in the movie. H1 Hummers were not made until 1992.

Correction: The HMMWV (other wise known as Humvee) began production in 1983. Therefore there were military variations around in 1987. The civilian Hummer H1 was built in 1991.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Bumblebee is seen talking to Optimus Prime and also showed fireballs falling to earth. In the 2007 Transformers movie, Optimus Prime and others didn't arrive on earth until the early 2000's.

Correction: This film serves as a soft reboot, ignoring many elements of the previous continuity.

Plot hole: How can Bumblebee and Optimus already have the car specs and colours before they leave Cybertron for the first time to come to earth? Optimus didn't have this when they came to earth in the first Transformers movie.

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Suggested correction: First of all, this might not be the same continuity as the older Transformers films. Second of all, the cars on Cybertron might be Cybertronian vehicles. Optimus scanned the semi in the first film so that he could be a different vehicle than he already was. There is no reason this could not have happened.

I'd like to add that we know for a fact that this is not the same continuity. It is a reboot. See the Wikipedia article.


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Question: Cinema Sins pointed out in the progress bar of the computer display that the word Percent is spelled with a hyphen. Like Per-Cent. I am aware that the word can be correctly spelled as percent and per cent. But doing some research the only mention I can find of it spelled with a hyphen as per-cent is just mentioned as an old way of spelling it. How old is that? And is it still within the time frame of this late 80's period movie to be spelling it as Per-cent on a computer display? https://youtu.be/HNri0mNI2PY?t=1159.

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